Friday, May 1, 2009

The latest

Been so busy and now need to let Gary use the computer. So will write another blog later. Jack had a swimming party for his 11th birthday...looks like fun


  1. Hi, I was surprised when I came to your blog and seen your pic with the pretty roses,nobody has been doing their blogs icluding me, I have been off and on.. That long post did u look in your drafts, sometimes they automically go in there and then u can send it.. Well, u have a Happy Mother's Day!U look like u just woke up
    Love ya, Donna

  2. Hi Aunt Myrna,
    That is a sweet picture of you smelling the roses.
    I am sorry this is sooooo very long overdue, but I did want to say thank you so much for the prayer shawl. It is lovely. You do such good work. I wish I had a 10th of your talent or passion for crocheting. I do like doing it a lot, but don't have the patience to finish a project except for small snowflakes and such. Keep up the good work.
    I can't believe how much those kids look like Kevin!
    Have a great day!
